
GST Centre Jurisdiction Meghalaya

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Area beyond Nongpoh upto 13th Mile (Upto Tamulkuchi Road), Byrnihat of Ri-Bhoi District and the area upto 500 mtrs on the other side from the centre of National Highway-40, Byrnihat to 13th Mile falling under Ri-Bhoi District.GuwahatiShillongShillong I DivisionBYRNIHAT I RANGE
EPIP (Export Promotion Industrial Park) area on Umtru Road of Ri-Bhoi DistrictGuwahatiShillongShillong I DivisionBYRNIHAT II RANGE
Area from 12th Mile (leaVIng the Tamulkuchi Road) on Byrnihat-Guwahati Road upto Khanapara of Ri-Bhoi District and the area upto 500 mtrs on the other side from the centre of National Highway-40, from 12th Mile to Jorabat Point, falling under Ri-Bhoi DistrictGuwahatiShillongShillong I DivisionBYRNIHAT III RANGE
Whole of Police Bazar area, Polo, Nongmynsong, Mawdiangdiang upto Diengpasoh.GuwahatiShillongShillong I DivisionKHYNDAILAD RANGE
Whole of Laitumkhrah area starting from Fire Brigade Ground junction, Dhankheti, Malki, Lachaumiere, Laban upto Umsyrpi bridgeGuwahatiShillongShillong I DivisionLAITUMKHRAH RANGE
Whole of Barabazar, Jhalupara, Jaiaw, Mawprem, Mawlai upto Umiam.GuwahatiShillongShillong I DivisionMOTPHRAN RANGE
Ri-Bhoi District except the areas covered under Byrnihat-I, II & III.GuwahatiShillongShillong I DivisionNONGPOH RANGE
Whole of Nonthymmai starting from Fire Brigade Ground junction, Jingkieng, Nongrim Hills, Rynjah, Lapalang upto Umpling in the East, Happy Valley, Madanriting upto Mawryngkneng in the NorthGuwahatiShillongShillong I DivisionNONGTHYMAI RANGE
Area from Umshyrpi bridge, Mylliem, Sohra (Cherrapunji) upto Shella-Bholaganj-Balat in the West, upto Dangar in North-West and upto Pyrnursla in South-West.GuwahatiShillongShillong I DivisionUPPER SHILLONG RANGE
Entire Municipal area of JowaiGuwahatiShillongShillong II DivisionJOWAI I RANGE
West Jaintia Hills except areas under Jowai-I RangeGuwahatiShillongShillong II DivisionJOWAI II RANGE
The Entire District of East Jaintia HillsGuwahatiShillongShillong II DivisionKHLIEHRIATRANGE
The Entire District of West Khasi Hills & South West Khasi HillsGuwahatiShillongShillong II DivisionNONGSTOIN RANGE
The Entire District of West Garo Hills & South West Garo HillsGuwahatiShillongShillong II DivisionTURA RANGE
The Entire Districts of East Garo Hills & North Garo Hills & South Garo HillsGuwahatiShillongShillong II DivisionWILLIAMNAGAR RANGE

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